Courses to Get Started
Courses for Christians to get started with sharing faith with Muslims
Resources > Enabling all Christians > Getting started > Courses to get started
Friendship First Course
The Friendship First Course is a four session video-based course with a varied mix of experienced speakers and personal stories, supported by learning activities and group discussion.
The course is ideal for smaller groups meeting in person, but it can also be adapted for larger groups and/or meeting online. It aims to help Christians to build unconditional friendships with Muslim neighbours and colleagues, encouraging a deeper understanding of one another's faiths and cultures, sharing life, extending the love of Jesus through our words and actions, and building opportunities to bear sensitive Christian witness where appropriate.
Encountering Muslims
Encountering Muslims is an introductory 12-session course which has greater breadth and depth than some others. The course enables participants to learn about Muslims, how to reach them and inspires prayer for the Muslim world. Several lessons include material and perspectives that have only recently been making their way into national and international conversations. EWI is also available in different languages: Chinese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish
Click here for more info about EWI
Sharing Lives Course
The Sharing Lives Course, taught in hundreds of churches across Europe, is now available online for everyone who is interested to begin to share their lives with Muslims.
The course addresses the attitude of fear and prejudice that that hinders Christians sharing their lives with their Muslim neighbours. It encourages Christians to exemplify the Gospel of grace and the grace of the Gospel when relating to Muslims. Although the course includes some teaching about the core concepts, beliefs and practices of Islam, its focus is not Islam, but Muslims.
Through Sharing Lives Christians become motivated and equipped to share their lives with Muslims and in this context also the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
The course consists of five lessons:
Our view of Islam
Developing an attitude of grace
Understanding Muslims
Meeting with Muslims
Building relationships that last
The printed course books are available in 12 different languages. The online course includes several videos that introduce this material. Consequently participants can go through the course material, using videos and assignments that can be downloaded. There is also additional material for those who would like to start teaching the course in their home group or church. People can go through the material, individually or as group, at their own speed. There are 15 videos of 5-17 minutes in length and to process the material there are 12 different assignments. To do the whole course will take about 8 hours.
Find more information here
Various Training Opportunities
A list from Global Connections.