Prayer ideas for weekly/monthly group meetings
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Prayer ideas for weekly/monthly group meetings
Use the Bible to start the prayer time. This sets our focus on God, who is Sovereign Lord and gives us His perspective.
Many of the Psalms are useful here eg. Psalms 34:1-10, 67, 93, 96, 103, 111, 145, 146 also Phil 2:5-11 Rev.7: 9ff
Use the I Am sayings of Christ to thank God for what Jesus came to bring and pray that Muslims might see the Grace of God in Jesus revealed.
Use hymns/songs to read together/pray and praise through – songs which speak of God’s glory / who Jesus is.
Pray for the church leaders in your area to open their eyes and see the challenge and the opportunities faced by the church by the presence of Muslim people here in Britain.
Pray for an opening to put on the Friendship First course in the area.
Pray that any Friendship First courses running in the area will be effective in motivating ordinary Christians to start building bridges of friendship with their Muslim neighbour, work colleague or acquaintance.
Pray for relationships to develop between church leaders and Imams and Muslim leaders in the city.
Do you need people of particular influence or skill in either building relationships with church leaders or with Imams or in delivering training? Pray people in!
Pray over Christian resources, literature and Bibles in many languages asking God to use them mightily to bring Muslim people to Him.
Keep an eye on the Islamic calendar and make a point of including time for prayer around Eid ul Fitr, Eid – al-Adha, Ramadan, Muhammad’s birthday
Find out about the local mosque and start praying for the Imam and the people who attend the mosque.
Is there a University in your area? Pray for the members of the Christian Union to see the opportunities to share Christ with their Muslim fellow students. Invite the CU to send a representative or a group to a prayer event so that you can specifically pray for them.
Pray for the local businesses run by Muslims.
Pray for the children attending local Islamic schools – that they may still have the opportunity to mix with Christian friends from whom they can ask questions one day.
Pray for any BMBs you know in the town. Despite living in this country life will remain far from easy for them. Invite them to join you in prayer times since they can give a fresh perspective and interesting insights.
Watch a BMB testimony from
Are there any nationality groups particularly represented in your town/city? Find out about their background and history and make a point of praying for the people and the country they come from.
Pray for a Muslim country that has been in the news
Pray for Christian teachers, health professionals and social workers working daily with Muslim families – that they may share the love of God in a distinctive way through their words and deeds.
Pray together for individuals that you are building relationship with. Pray for each other as you seek to share the good news.
Keep a record of prayer requests and answers to prayer. This helps to raise faith and discern what God is doing.