Resources > Engaging Muslims> Engaging as individuals > Luke’s gospel
Holy Injil, Luke – A New Translation from the Original Greek Text with Commentary
Luke’s gospel is an ideal gift for Muslim friends. In fact, many Christians give it as a Christmas gift to Muslims they know.
Features include:
An introduction that encourages Muslims to read the Injil (New Testament), quoting from the Qur’an.
A new translation of Luke from the original Greek into Muslim-idiom English, using religious terminology and names Muslims are familiar with.
Commentary provides useful Old Testament or cultural background, attempts to deal with difficulties a Muslim reader may encounter as they read through Luke, explains biblical themes, and cross-references the Qur’an where it is helpful to do so.
More in-depth appendices on: The Revelation of the Injil, The title 'spiritual Son of Allah', The Kingdom of Allah, The title 'al-Masih', The title 'Son of Man', The suffering and martyrdom of ’Isa al-Masih’, Why did ’Isa al-Masih’ suffer and die?, The 'Gospel of Barnabas'.
It has been read and reviewed by translation consultants and by Muslims.
Hard cover, colour photos of very early New Testament manuscripts, 375 pages.
Comments from Muslim readers:
“Thank you for the lovely injil - we shall all read it and pray to Allah (SWT) to give you strength and to bless you and your family for the great effort put into this chapter of Luke. Amazing!”
“I have given my brother this book. He spent three hours reading it in my house. He said it was beautifully explained.”
Recommendations for Holy Injil, Luke:
“We recommend it as a translation to be used in discussion with Muslims to shed light on the beautiful and majestic life that is Jesus Christ without hampering them by using terminology not familiar to their ears. And we already know of Muslims who have read it with joy.“ Tom & Judi
Duncan Peters has prepared this version of Luke’s Gospel for a conservative Muslim audience. There are helpful appendices dealing with the most common Muslim questions, like the allegation that the text of the Bible has been changed, and the objection that God cannot have a son.” Julyan
“The translation is brilliantly done and is enhanced by excellent notes and appendices which face the difficult critical questions Muslim readers may have with deep sensitivity and wisdom. From a Christian perspective, this unique volume will not only prove invaluable in developing conversations with Muslim neighbours and friends, but it points toward the future of mission in a pluralist world.” David
Translation and commentary by Duncan Peters
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