A new way to join the family, linking you personally and allowing you to contribute prayerfully and financially to our work
“It’s better to have a partner than go it alone. Share the work, share the wealth. And if one falls down, the other helps, but if there’s no one to help, tough!”
What is Friends of Mahabba?
Friends is a new way to support our vision to release Christians to share Jesus with Muslims. Contribute prayerfully and financially and you will receive regular insider news, prayer points and goodies!
Who is it for?
Friends is an intimate group of supporters who are totally behind the Mahabba vision.
It includes:
Friends of present Mahabba personnel
People who are involved locally, but want to see Mahabba develop nationally
Those who were once involved with Mahabba but for various reasons can no longer be so involved but want to stay connected
Those who currently have no direct contact with Muslims, but want to support those who do
Christians who share a vision for Mahabba and want to pray and support ministry to Muslims in the UK and beyond
What can you expect as a friend?
Password access to The City, our online community area, where you can read stories, news and encouragements from the Network
A Friends e-mail newsletter four times a year
Personal VIP invitation to our annual National Gathering
Hear about issues and struggles that the Mahabba team are facing
Occasional gifts and access to subsidised resources
What Mahabba expects of its Friends...
Personal engagement with Mahabba’s vision and values
A commitment to pray regularly for the ministry and those involved in making it happen
Joyful regular financial giving to see Mahabba reach its full potential
An intention to stay in conversation with us about what God is saying to the Network
HOW Does it work?
Ask Simon if you would like to be a friend!
Enter your details and giving amount in the form below
Suggested gift is £10 per month
We will send you a welcome e-mail with further info
If you want to alter the giving date, contact the office
The first newsletter will be sent out in June
If you need help setting up your giving, please contact Simon in The Hub on 0300 302 0017
Want to give a one-off gift?
Don't want to give regularly? No problem! Follow the link below to give a one-off gift.
Setup your giving
Privacy notice: your data matters to us!
When you submit this form, we will hold and process it in line with data protection regulations. Check our processes and your rights here →
N.B. If you see any error messages at any point in the process, please contact the office for assistance: info@mahabbanetwork.com or 0300 302 0017.