Friendship First course - Course Pack
Friendship First course - Course Pack
The Friendship First Course Pack (DVDs & printed materials) with everything you need to run the course over the six sessions.
This is the Third Edition 2011.
This includes a set of three DVDs, participant’s Study Manual and Leaders Guide only.
About the course
The course is designed to help ordinary christians to relate well and build friendships with ordinary Muslims. This course will dispel commonly accepted myths, unintentional prejudices and irrational fears, highlighting the opportunity we have to befriend our Muslim neighbours wherever and whoever we are - giving you practical tips of how to live this out.
It is a highly interactive course, great for use in your church small group or a larger seminar style setting. For more information, visit:
IMPORTANT: old vs. new Friendship First course
This is the ‘old’ version of Friendship First, so is based on a set of DVDs, and comprises of six sessions (versus four in the new version).
The new version of Friendship First, is a four-session online video-based course (i.e., no physical materials) with a varied mix of experienced speakers and personal stories, supported by learning activities and group discussion.
Discover or purchase the new Friendship First course.
More about the Friendship First course
Friendship First is an interactive, non-specialist course in 6 sessions, helping ordinary Christians share good news with ordinary Muslims through friendships
Friendship First equips ordinary Christians with vision, confidence & the skills to make friends with Muslim people & to share our greatest gift of love which is Jesus Christ himself. This 6 session course aims to give ordinary Christians a positive attitude towards their Muslim neighbours in Britain, relevant knowledge about Islam and Muslim Cultures, sufficient skills to start deep personal friendship and to witness. It can be used in small groups, in local churches, in university groups, or larger settings.