London Regional Gathering 2018
'Lift up your eyes'
Saturday 9 June, London, Bethnal Green
God is at work among Muslims in London - find out what he is doing where you are and be part of the movement.
We're taking inspiration from John 4:35 to share about what God is doing among Muslims in the UK and how you can get involved.
What's different this year?
This year we will be holding separate events in the regions, instead of one main national gathering (although there may be one later in the year).
This should make it easier for you to get along to your local event and engage in a more personal way with what is relevant to your context.
N.B. these are different from the Engage events in partnership with Elim churches and Frontiers.
Who is it for?
Coordinators of local Mahabba groups
Members of Mahabba groups
Friends and associates of Mahabba
Anyone interested in the work of Mahabba and outreach to Muslims
Church leaders
Basically, everyone is invited!
What can I expect?
Each regional gathering will have its own local flavour (see each event's EventBrite page for details), but will weave in some key elements, including:
Encouraging stories
What's been happening
Conversations with others
Practical workshops
Sharing what's been working
Anything else I should be aware of?
Depending on your local event:
A financial contribution may be encouraged
Lunch may be provided, or you need to bring a packed lunch etc.
Find out more about previous gatherings: