Image: Garrett Ammon, Flickr
Heather - How to inspire prayer in your group
Gordon - Father's love mobilising thousands to rescue Muslims
Chas - How to be more effective in evangelism to Muslims
Chas - London & South breakout group
Georgina - Moses women in the Bible and Qur'an
Bruce - How to mobilise church leaders and Christians to engage with Muslim ministry
Consecration Prayer Guide Sheet
Intervention Prayer Guide Sheet
Listening Prayer Guide Sheet
Spiritual Warfare Prayer Guide Sheet
Just Pray (banned in cinemas)
Thy Kingdom Come (Pentecost prayer campaign)
Prayer for the city
Adrian from a group in the East wrote the following review of the day:
I have just visited the second only annual Mahabba National Gathering, held at Derby. Over fifty of us attended from over a dozen cities and rural areas up and down the UK. We ranged from those in Oxford who have seen God responding to faithful prayer with outreach and friendship opportunities, to someone from rural Kent who just thought Mahabba might be a good idea as so many Muslims pass through the nearby ports of Dover and Folkestone.
The day’s programme started with an extended singing of Worthy is the Lamb beautifully accompanied on DVD by fantastic scenery and of course the words. Then we were introduced to “Four movements of the heart” using the Lord’s Prayer to indicate to us our Orientation, Alignment, Empowerment and Engagement. Accompanying the four movements were beautiful images by Jim Dine, a contemporary American artist who only ever paints hearts, starting with “Four Hearts” 1969 which can be seen in the Tate Modern.
Gordon Hickson, the originator of Mahabba, reminded us of the Mahabba vision, values and focus and its networking style “like a starfish” rather than a spider’s web. Gordon read from the Message Bible Ephesians 3:14-21 and emphasised the primacy of prayer and learning and listening to God before we get on to the spiritual warfare so well known in Ephesians 6. We had great conversations hearing about the work of the Holy Spirit up and down our country in churches and amongst Muslims. The conversations were really helpful and supportive. Everyone was at a different stage of working with fellow churches and working with mosques and Muslims.
In a session on our local Mahabba group prayer times, we were encouraged to be deliberate about praying and not just talking about prayer. The speaker encouraged us to fix a regular weekly time of prayer and said her group met on a Tuesday at 7am ! As we got to know our local Muslim community she suggested we might like to pray not just for each mosque but for each Imam by name and their families as well as their festivals and any issues we came to hear about. And the final session returned to prayer, picking up on the Lord’s Prayer elements of Lead us not into temptation and Deliver us from Evil, with for types of prayer: Listening, Intervention, Warfare and Consecration. The whole day was very affirming of our work locally and I look forward to next year’s National Gathering. Why not join me? The date is Saturday 13th May 2017.