Image: Juan ignacio Tapia, Flickr
National Gathering 2017
All the materials, resources, info and bits and bobs from the day will be added here in the next week or so - do check back!
Mahabba animation - Make God's love go viral
World Cafe discussion notes
Here's what you said about the event:
- How likely would you recommend the National Gathering to a friend? You gave us over 8 out of 10
- To what extent did the event achieve its aims of providing a time of 'networking, encouraging and equipping'? You gave us over 8 out of 10
- What do you think about the 'Friends of Mahabba' initiative? You gave us over 4 out of 5
- Would you share the Mahabba animation with friends and church? You gave us almost 4 out of 5
- Your favourite session was Adam's (session 2) - Working with refugees locally
- Are you likely to attend in future? You gave us 9 out of 10
The last word, here's what someone said about the day:
“A great way to meet others from in the Network, be inspired and encouraged to persevere in local outreach to Muslims”
If you missed the questionnaire, you can still fill it in here.
2017 event details
'The Lord is my shepherd'
A day of equipping, encouraging and inspiration - all welcome - in Derby (not Marrakech, sadly), based around the theme 'The Lord is my shepherd', Psalm 23.
The day will focus on Mahabba activity around the UK, as well as a focus on refugees and what God is doing across Europe.
Read the latest blog on seven ways churches can respond effectively to refugees.
The aim of the gathering is to focus on your concerns and topics suggested by you - see the schedule below and how you can contribute suggestions.
Who is it for?
- Coordinators of local Mahabba prayer groups
- Members of Mahabba groups
- Friends and associates of Mahabba
- Anyone interested in the work of Mahabba and outreach to Muslims
What will it cost?
- We realise that each person's finances are different, so we do not want to exclude individuals on price
- As a guide, a contribution of £10 to £15 would help to cover some of the costs of the day (room hire, food, AV)
- There will be an offering during the day, or you can contribute below
Registration & coffee
Session 1 - PRESENCE
'The Lord's my shepherd... He leads me', Psalm 23:1-3
Welcome & worship
Glimpses of God in the regions
Share & prayer
Session 2 - PROTECTION
'Even though I walk through the valley', Psalm 23:4
Overview of refugees in Europe with Patrick Johnstone of Operation World
Engaging with refugees in local contexts with church leader Adam
Kurdish meal
Networking time, announcements & marketplace
Session 3 - PROVISION
'You prepare a table before me', Psalm 23:5
World cafe style conversational groups & themed discussions with feedback
Add your suggestions for topics here
Session 4 - PEOPLE
'Surely goodness and mercy shall follow...', Psalm 23:6
Stories & inspiration
Fundraising, goodie bags & videos
Informal networking & chat time
What will it include?
- Lunch and refreshments will be provided - please make dietary requirements known in the registration form
- There is free parking at the venue
- Derby train station is a short 10 minutes walk away
- Internet access is available at the venue