Conversion and Identity. The Pastoral Care and Discipleship of Converts from Islam in the Context of the UK. — Mahabba Network

Conversion and Identity. The Pastoral Care and Discipleship of Converts from Islam in the Context of the UK.

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A book review of Conversion and Identity by Saira Malik

‘Conversion and Identity. The Pastoral Care and Discipleship of Converts from Islam in the Context of the UK’ by Saira Mailk.

One thing we can look forward to more of is publications written by former Muslims reflecting on their experience in the UK and the is much we can learn from them. This 40-page booklet is one such.

Saira Malik set out to understand what the level of awareness was among converts and those that care for them. Drawing on her MA research interviews and her personal experience, she explores issues of conversion and identity in the lives of former Muslims here in the UK. She also draws on the writings of others, both of theorists and of quite well-known non-academic publications.

The booklet is published by Regnum books is available as paperback and e-book.