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Action & Impact August Update
Like many Christians organisations, Mahabba is looking to build for the future. We’re keen that younger people feel inspired and connected to the work of our network.
Over the past six months we’ve been working hard to connect with the younger generation, using social media to engage people in our ongoing prayer for Muslim people in the UK. Because a key part of Mahabba’s vision is to equip all Christians, we know it’s vital that we engage the next generation to be able to bless and love Muslims, wherever they are.
We’ve been growing engagement through Instagram, where we share regular prompts for prayer and resources for Christians wanting to reach out to their Muslim friends and neighbours. (Read more about our social media here.)
We’ve also been looking to connect with more Christian Unions at universities across the country, encouraging students and young people to take up opportunities on campus. With more students returning to universities this autumn, this will become an area we invest in more as a network.
Lockdown has proved potentially beneficial for connecting with the younger generation as many people have engaged more with prayer during this time.
One of our local Mahabba groups have been connected with 6 new people, all in their 20s and early 30s who have joined this Mahabba group for prayer and are looking to be more involved in their local neighbourhoods, connecting with Muslims. This has been facilitated by our online presence, allowing Christians to be connected to Mahabba’s vision and find local groups near them.
It’s a great opportunity for these younger people to join in with what others have laid the foundations for and to get alongside them in ESOL classes, befriending programmes and even joining them at local cafes where they can connect with Muslim people.
Your support allows us to reach out to younger people to engage them with our heart for Muslims and ensure that our vision is carried forward by the next generation. Let’s be praying for opportunities for young people to build friendships with Muslims and have opportunities to share God’s love.
Our local Mahabba groups are the centre of our work as a network. If you’re not connected already, why not get in touch or connect up someone you know?
Join the Conversation
This month our MAHABBA COMMUNITY have been chatting about a discipleship course for Muslim-background believers, opportunities for training for women who work with Muslim women and the chance to read the Bible in Urdu - even if you don’t speak it!
We’d love you to join the conversation - sign up for Discourse HERE
Coming Up
Our CALENDAR has all the latest, best and most relevant events for those reaching out to Muslims.
See our events HERE
Don’t Forget
Our RESOURCES page is full of creative ideas and stories from others, to help equip you where you are.
Find out more HERE