Photo by Tom Cleary on Unsplash
Bi-annual Prayer Event
We hope that you were one of the many who joined our bi-annual prayer meeting last Friday. It was an encouraging time with whole Mahabba groups joining on Zoom for the first time. We listened to music from the Resonance Band and heard testimonies on faithfulness and perseverance, our theme for the evening. We stirred to pray for families of MBBs and for there to be welcoming churches. We heard about 3,600 Bibles given out at Leicester Freshers Fairs, about an Alpha course running in Farsi and about the opportunity to talk about the Bible and church in an English class.
New blog post
Check out the new blog post that ties in with the theme of our prayer meeting.
What are circles all about?
You may have heard us talking about Mahabba circles in these newsletters, but what are the circles? What does it really mean? We chose the term circle to reflect the grassroots nature of Mahabba, avoiding corporate, hierarchical terminology. We aim to operate in a very flat way. The circles are made up of volunteers who give their time to help Mahabba run smoothly and achieve its aims. We have the following circles: Prayer, Promo, Resource, Sharing Faith and Support. We hope to tell you a bit more about these groups in coming updates.
Meet the volunteer
I volunteer for the Mahabba network by being part of the Resource Circle. This means that I meet up with three other volunteers every other month for an hour to suggest and plan the updating of the resources we point to on the Mahabba website. We try and make sure that we watch the calendar so that important Muslim and Christian dates are recognised and resources put up which will encourage and enable faith conversations. We’re also keen to have recommendations from people within the Mahabba network and beyond of useful books to read, resources to use, training courses to attend. Being involved in the Mahabba network in this way helps me to feel part of a bigger vision and it doesn’t take too much of my time!
Your thoughts
Do you find what you read in this newsletter helpful? Are there better ways that we could be serving or equipping you? We’d love your feedback, email
Volunteer with Mahabba
We are currently seeking someone to work with social media and to foster healthy discussions on our community platform. For more info and for a friendly chat about whether this could be a good fit for you, get in touch. Click HERE
Join the Conversation
This month our MAHABBA COMMUNITY have been chatting about all sorts of topics, including recommending free training available and sharing encouraging testimonies.
We’d love you to join the conversation - sign up for Discourse HERE
Coming Up
Our CALENDAR has all the latest, most relevant events for those reaching out to Muslims. Ramadan has begun. Register for information about the prayer events happening throughout April and May.
See our events HERE
Don’t Forget
Our RESOURCES page is full of creative ideas and stories from others, to help equip you where you are.
Find out more HERE