Day 29 of 30
Written by Miriam from the Mahabba team
Inspired by today's entry in the 30 Days of Prayer booklet, but with a UK twist!
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Daily verse
“Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened to you.”
Thought for the day
Somali Muslims in the UK
Zahra, my Somali friend, regularly calls her sister who lives in the Netherlands to have a chat and to catch up on news about her nieces. She also has a brother in Norway, another sister in Italy and two more brothers in a refugee camp in Ethiopia, waiting for transfer to the United States where they have been given entry.
Following the explosion of civil war, resulting in (on-going) anarchy in their land in the early 1990s, Somalis have been dispersed to countries across the world so that now the diaspora population exceeds that within Greater Somalia itself. The Somali tradition of nomadic and collective identity means that Somalis crave connection and with access to up to date digital technology, they rely heavily on WhatsApp, facebook and internet chat rooms in order to maintain connection with family, clan and tribe.
Could it be that the conversations I have with Zahra about what God is really like and how we can know His presence in the midst of our daily struggles may be relayed to her sisters - one of whom may share it with her brother - who may include their other siblings - who may concur that they have heard similar things on Somali chat lines which are alive with questions. Questions which Somalis back home have never been allowed to ask before but are now taking the opportunity to find answers to in order to assuage the discontent that has been long stirring in their hearts?
Prayer for the day
Father, thank you for those who are engaged in sharing the Good News with Somalis via digital technology. Please give courage to those who are asking important questions to continue to seek answers and to come to a place of peace in finding deep connection with God, through Jesus. ’ASK' for God to connect you with a Somali.
Daily action
Please note: actions were written before the COVID-19 pandemic. Please consult the latest advice from your local public health authority or government and adhere to any current restrictions on travel or social situations.
Seek - watch this video 'open minded debate on Somali Identity' being brought up in UK. The Office for National Statistics estimates that 98,000 Somali-born immigrants were resident in the UK in 2016. Do some research and find out where Somalis live today. Let us know when you do find and connect with someone.
Your turn
Let us know how it went! Leave a comment on our online community platform, Discourse, or tag us on social media with the #lovefast hashtag on social media.
Guidance on hosting iftars
A reminder of some some helpful guidance and food for thought from the Church of England in light of past media coverage of churches hosting iftar meals.
Also, please consult the latest advice from Public Health England or your relevant authority for guidance on travel and social situations.
You can read and discuss the guidance and recent events on Mahabba's online community area, Discourse.
Alternatively, a PDF version is available here. If you've not registered for Discourse, you can do so quickly here.
Prayer materials
Do you want to involve your church in blessing Muslim people through prayer and friendship?
There are new 30 Days of Prayer church resources available for you:
Pray Together as a Congregation
Small Group Session
Night of Power Prayer Meeting
Prayer Walk Guide
What’s your next step after 30 Days? There are loads of resources to help you on your journey.
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