Lovefast 18: The journey - Eritreans in the UK — Mahabba Network

Lovefast 18: The journey - Eritreans in the UK

Lovefast prayer and action campaign from the Mahabba Network

Day 18 of 30

By Ted from Mahabba’s Network Team

Inspired by today's entry in the 30 Days of Prayer booklet, but with a UK twist!

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Daily verse

And the Spirit said to Philip, “Go over and join this chariot.” So Philip ran to him and heard him reading Isaiah the prophet and asked, “Do you understand what you are reading?”
— Romans 12:15

Thought for the day

The journey & the messenger

As we read in Acts 8, a man made the journey from Ethiopia to Jerusalem.

On his way back with scripture in his hands, God sent him a messenger.

That was nearly 2000 years ago. He probably came from a territory that includes modern Eritrea.
Today, many people are making the journey from Eritrea to Libya, crossing the Mediterranean in unsafe vessels and trekking across Europe and some arrive in the UK. I met a young woman who had made that journey.

She had lost a brother on the way. She was very anxious about family left behind and the dangers they lived with. She was a Christian.

Many others who make the journey are Muslims, also seeking safety, peace and a new life.
The Eritrean church in the UK is growing. Pray that all Eritreans arriving here will sooner or later have scriptures in their hands and be met by messengers sent by God.

Prayer for the day

Lord, here I am. Connect me to seekers on the journey.

Daily action

Do some research on line. Where is your nearest Eritrean or Ethiopian church?

Your turn

Let us know how it went! Leave a comment below, or tag us on social media with the #lovefast hashtag on social media. You can find us on Facebook and Twitter!


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