Day 21 of 30
By Ted from Mahabba's Network Team
Inspired by today's entry in 30 Days of Prayer, but with a UK twist!
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Daily verse
“even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.”
Thought for the day
Once we were prayer-walking in Ramadan.
As we passed the central mosque, my companion said “Do you think we could go in?”
As approached a side-door a car drew up. A man got out. We greeted him and asked if anything was going on. “Come and see,” he said.
He led us upstairs where we found a group of men were chanting, seeking closeness to God.
We prayed silently for them.
We were expected elsewhere so after a while we left but not without being invited to comeback and eat with them.
Long story short, we learnt that one of them had a brother dying of cancer.
We asked if we could pray for him in the name of Jesus. “Of course” he replied.
So we prayed for him in the mosque in the name of Jesus. Men build walls: Jesus passes through them.
Prayer for the day
Here am I. Send me.
Daily action
Discover your local mosque and look out for invitations.
Your turn
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