Why do Muslims fast during Ramadan?

The significance of Ramadan & its practices to Muslims, especially fasting

Each year our Muslim friends look forward to “The Sultan of the Months”. The best month of the year – the month of Ramadan. It is a month with both deep religious significance, and it is also important for family and community.

During daylight hours our Muslim friends fast from food, water and intimate relationships. This gives them an opportunity to think of the hungry and poor; a time to think of God through prayer; and a chance to find the strength to control fleshly desires.

Each day at the end of the fast there is a communal meal (Iftar) eaten together with family, friends or the wider community. This meal offers a way to strengthen relationships.

During this month, where there is such a strong focus on the spiritual life and an emphasis on community ties, there are openings for us to share with our Muslim friends important principles of worship and love which are priorities for us too.

As we meet with people who are practicing a ‘spiritual discipline’, we can share our experience of fasting, waiting on God and listening to his voice. We can share things that strengthen our relationship with God and guide us on our walk with him. During close family and community times we can join in, helping to build up and strengthen our friendships.

This Ramadan, let’s pray for one another as we look for the opportunities God gives us to speak his words and show his love within the communities around us; communities made up of people who are focusing on God and seeking to know him in a new way.