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Keep walking in the tension
This month’s Update focuses on how we can let God lead us in our continuing connections with Muslims. We feature a new resource and a testimony from a local prayer-group. In case you missed it, you can find previous Network updates here.
Update #16 for October from the Mahabba Network
With shortening days and the continuing challenges of this season, what is God revealing? What do you sense him doing through the crisis? In what ways is he leading us in how we pray and reach out? We’d love you to share your experiences on Discourse, the Network’s secure discussion forum. Click here for Discourse
We are currently living in tension - to settle for little being possible or to strive to make something happen. In this place, may we hear Jesus’ words afresh and find his unforced ways:
“Walk with me and work with me - watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you.”
(Matt 11:29 MSG)
Ten ways to make ten friends
A new recommended resource! This is a guide for taking small but strategic steps in everyday life to get to know those from hard to reach countries living in our neighbourhoods. This resource encourages us not to wait until this crisis time is over.
Find out more on our Resources page
Praying through the pandemic
A testimony from one of our groups in the Midlands
“Our local Mahabba prayer group meets every Friday from 7.30am for about an hour. We are a group of Christians, believing that through prayer Jesus will reveal himself to Muslims.
Mahabba means ‘love’ and our heartfelt desire is to show the love of Christ to Muslims in our city, the UK and around the world. Several members of the group have worked abroad in Muslim countries and many are currently involved in outreach to Muslims in our city. One lady befriends Asian women, some of whom have been abandoned by their husbands. Some of our group are working with organisations doing ‘football ministry’ and ‘conversation café,’ for new arrivals. One couple is following up a central Asian couple who have made steps towards a commitment to Jesus.
Since lockdown the group have been meeting online, using Zoom. Wonderfully, this has enabled our group to grow in size, as those who have to travel, care for children, or get to work, can join more easily.
We very much value being part of the UK Mahabba network, and share the vision to be “a relational network giving people of Muslim heritage the opportunity to find and follow Jesus. Our vision is to see ministry among people of Muslim heritage as a normal part of church life.”
N.B. requires account to sign on - see here for more details
P.S. As a network from the grassroots to the regions, Mahabba is making an impact through its work. Read about how we are putting our financial support into action: “The amount of prayer was staggering”