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Action & Impact July Update
How can Christians engage with the diverse and changing cultures we find on our doorstep?
What does fulfilling the Great Commission look like when reaching out to Muslim people?
How do we address racism and prejudice in our nation, our communities and our churches?
Earlier this month, Mahabba hosted Dr Karamat Iqbal in conversation with Canon Dr Andrew Smith. This online event shared Andrew’s story of how, as a young man, he stumbled into sharing faith with Muslims. This chance opportunity developed into a lifelong mission of engagement with many faiths and cultures, learning how to share the gospel with love and understanding.
Mahabba is committed to equipping Christians to love all Muslims in every sphere of society. Our ability to engage with the current challenges facing our society are a key aspect of this.
It was a privilege to learn from Andrew’s experience and wisdom, and to hear his thoughts on the current issues we face.
The people we need to get to know are the people in front us.
Andrew gave some great insights into how to connect and build relationships with Muslim people, wherever we are.
He reminded us that whilst we can read a lot of information about different aspects of Muslim beliefs, these issues may not actually be relevant to the person we’re engaging with or their context. Are we ready to love the person in front us, engaging with the things that concern them, rather than our own agenda?
Our urban landscapes are regularly changing and we need to be up to date with who the people are around us. Are we intentionally looking at the changes that are happening around us? Are we ready to welcome and connect with different people who are now in our communities?
Andrew also challenged us be ready to admit to and address systemic racism in the church and in our society.
What are the issues of injustice that are around us that we’re called to stand up and speak out about? As Christians we need to be ready to take a stand against Islamophobia and racism. We also need to continue to look at ourselves and our churches and ask what difference we’re seeing in how we do things. Do we really display the inter-cultural kingdom God has destined for us?
Andrew drew on the example of the Samaritans, who are arguably the closest biblical parallel we have of how we can interact with Muslim people. These were in fact the people Jesus chose in the parable of the good Samaritan to be the example of how to love our neighbour and how to be saved.
And what might it look like to see Muslims come to faith and be part of our churches?
Andrew challenged us to consider whether we’re ready for the church to not just reflect white middle-class culture, but to genuinely welcome all cultures and see them as part of all areas of church life.
We want to see every tribe and tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Perhaps we need to be ready for that to look different from our current expressions of church?
With your support, Mahabba is able to run events like these to help address some of the challenging questions of our times: to learn from those who are living and engaging with different cultures, those continually learning how to reimagine God’s kingdom transformation in our neighbourhoods and cities.
Listen to the full interview on YouTube:
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Join the Conversation
This month our MAHABBA COMMUNITY have been chatting about a new TV drama about Muslims in love, upcoming Bible translation work and a resource for refugees to read through Luke and Acts.
We’d love you to join the conversation - sign up for Discourse HERE
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Our RESOURCES page is full of creative ideas and stories from others, to help equip you where you are.
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