Muslims around the world have recently celebrated Eid el Fitr, the festival that concludes the Islamic month of Ramadan. At the Mahabba Network we’re celebrating the success of our Ramadan prayer meetings, and particularly the ‘Night of Prayer’ meeting.
Things happen when we pray
Many of you will have been a part of our weekly Ramadan prayer Zoom gatherings as we had around 50 people turning up to each meeting. We prayed for our friends and our neighbours and were inspired by testimonies from believers from a Muslim background.
Each week we had a different theme: Muslim men, Muslim women, Millennials (20s to 30s) and for Muslims 'joining the family'. Each week a prayer was written to fit the theme and was prayed by a believer from a Muslim background.
A prayer for women
This beautiful prayer for women was written by a former Muslim:
“Father God, we pray for all Muslim women across the world in this fasting month.
Father in your holy name we pray that this will be the time when they earnestly seek Allah and that they will find you. Father in your holy name I pray give them visions and dreams of who you are and how much you love them that today on Good Friday you shed your blood for them.
Lord in your mercy please set your daughters free
From bondage
From fear
From oppression
From harm
From being abused
Father let your truth set them free so they can have a wonderful relationship with you.”
Want to keep praying?
Mahabba is primarily about local prayer groups and their activities. These meet throughout the year. Our next special online event will be in October. Click HERE to find a group near you.
There are also regular online Mahabba prayer meetings on the third Thursday of each month from 9-10am and every Friday 12-12.30pm for #jumaaprayer.
For the first time, Mahabba can now be found on PrayerMate. We will be posting prayers every Friday and hope to launch a 30-Day Challenge to pray and act towards Muslims in love in the UK.
Want to read more?
Mahabba has a wealth of resources, with testimonies, guides and ideas for how we can demonstrate God’s love to Muslims. Click HERE to read a blog post about the power of Ramadan and the power of prayer.
Volunteer with Mahabba
As a relational network, volunteers have been vital to the growth of Mahabba. We currently have some gaps in our Support Circle, which help support local groups and Network activity.
If you want to serve the Mahabba vision and have a few hours spare per week or month, we’d love to hear from you. Click HERE
Join the Conversation
This month our MAHABBA COMMUNITY have been chatting about all sorts of topics, including recommending free training available and sharing encouraging testimonies.
We’d love you to join the conversation - sign up for Discourse HERE
Coming Up
Our CALENDAR has all the latest, most relevant events for those reaching out to Muslims.
See our events HERE
Don’t Forget
Our RESOURCES page is full of creative ideas and stories from others, to help equip you where you are.
Find out more HERE