Find out what surprised one Arab guest about the message shared at a carol service.
Hallowe’en in the English Conversation class
Overcoming as faithfulness rather than victoriousness
Something to Celebrate
New Ways to Connect
Did you know that we have a Mahabba prayer group just for millennials? It was launched in January. It is for anyone aged between 18-40. This month we’ll learn a little more about the group and the volunteer who leads it as well as looking at the Support Circle and inviting you to be part of our face to face – virtually.
Keeping Faithful
More to Mahabba
We’re excited to tell you about a Mahabba event that happened in Croydon last weekend called the Hope Event. This regular gathering is designed for people to bring a friend from another faith background. This time they had an African theme, celebrating God’s diversity and creativity. We also want to highlight some of the other things that Mahabba is involved in such as Millennial and Juma prayers.
Faithfulness and Perseverance
The fruitfulness/faithfulness debate
Being proactive
Encouraging and Enabling
This month we want to share with you two events that tie in with our values of Encouraging Prayer and Enabling all Christians. Our vision is to grow regular, persistent prayer for our Muslim brothers and sisters. We also want to see Christians grow in confidence, equipped to share Jesus with their Muslim neighbours. Are these things that you could be involved in? Could you invite people in your church to join you in your vision?
Remembering Our Roots
Reflecting and Anticipating
Who am I talking to?
Eid Mubarak
Be Encouraged
Why we love stories
For Mahabba, it’s all about the relationship – not strategies, not techniques just a real love for our Muslim friends and neighbours. And that’s why we love hearing stories from our groups. Stories are a genuine reflection of the work that our members are doing, and they spur us on and encourage us.
Ramadan Review
Your contributions helped us facilitate the prayer meetings that we hosted during Ramadan – thank you!
Many of you will have participated in our Network Survey which was an attempt to get a picture of how the pandemic affected our regional groups. The results have given us insights and encouragements.
The Mahabba Trustees will be meeting in Birmingham on 22nd June. Please pray for them.
Faithful in prayer
Network Survey
Have you spotted the network survey in your inbox?
The pandemic has changed the way we relate to each other. In every sphere of life we’ve adapted to online meetings, smaller gatherings, and less face to face contact.
We’d love to check in with Mahabba prayer groups across the country, find out how you’re doing, and how we can support you moving forward.