Image credit: unsplash
So what has been in the news in the week after the Mahabba National Gathering? There's a funeral, voting, along with Trump's visit to Saudi Arabia. and hospitality challenging misconceptions.
You will probably remember the recent tragic accident in Drayton Manor theme park that resulted in the death of 11 year old Evha Jannath when she fell from a water ride. On Tuesday more than 600 people gathered at the Muslim Prayer Hall at Saffron Hill Cemetery in Leicester. Please pray for the family whom are grieving for their, " happy, laughing girl."
““I loved my daughter too much, and she loved me too much. “I have no tears left in my eyes because I have cried so much.””
There is an election coming up just in case you hadn't heard! The Muslim Council of Britain has issued a list of 8 key issues affecting Muslim Communities. These fall under the headings of engagement, religious liberty, bigotry, democracy, security, equality, free Palestine, and foreign policy. Muslim Engagement and development have also published their manifesto for the upcoming election. It focuses on investigating anti Muslim prejudice, discrimination, negative misrepresentations of Muslims in the media, the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. All of this highlights our need to pray for our country at this time.
“1 Timothy 2 v 1-3
The first thing I want you to do is pray. Pray every way you know how, for everyone you know. Pray especially for rulers and their governments to rule well so we can be quietly about our business of living simply, in humble contemplation. This is the way our Saviour God wants us to live.”
The same verse is applicable to the next article in the media as the American President flies off to Saudi Arabia. He is set to give an “inspiring yet direct” speech on his “peaceful vision of Islam..." His speech is set to be controversial as at least part of it is to be penned by Stephen Miller- the person who was at the centre of developing and delivering Trump's immigration ban.
And finally I will leave you with a more uplifting article. A family in America have invited strangers to dine with a Muslim family to break down lack of understanding. The article is well worth reading, demonstrates the value of hospitality and of overcoming prejudice with understanding. I was challenged by their hospitality and openness to others. Perhaps we need to take a leaf out of their book and be more welcoming. Let me know how you get on!
“By the end, we were just a bunch of friends laughing together. Food has a magical way of doing that.””