Interfaith dialogue
A topic from the World Cafe session of the National Gathering 2017.
Interfaith should be faith-sharing and dialogue rather than mutual monologue!
Unity is important; create an inter-denominational base as a foundation to inter-religious dialogue (stronger together).
How do you get beyond superficiality to higher level of interfaith?
Is there an alternative to debate vs. dialogue?
- Seek truth together
- Mutual respect
- Relationship-building
- Seeking truth
- Ask what they would like
- Ask Questions, listen to answers, don't impose opinions
- Breaking down barriers; building friendships and confidence
- Issue of prayer - can this be joint?
Methods and techniques
- Scriptural reasoning; Bible and Qur'an together
- Meetings for Better Understanding (MBUs)
- Dialogue groups creating safe space for conversations
- Rules of engagement helpful - CMF Ethical Guidelines for sharing faith in Britain
Two models of Gospel proclamation
- Road to Damascus - conversion experience
- Road to Emmaus - conversation encounter
If you are involved in interfaith dialogue then it will mean going deeper into your own faith and becoming ‘deeply rooted and profoundly open’.
Start small, think big.