“What does Eid ul Adha mean to you?” is a question I’ve asked my Muslim friends. The answers I’ve received have varied but it is important to have something to share yourself to point them to the God of the Bible.
March 15 is the International Day to Combat Islamophobia, designated by the UN to honour the victims of the 2019 terrorist attack on two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand.
Find out how questions can help engage our Muslim friends in gospel conversations during Ramadan, but they must come from a heart of compassion and love.
The Islamic month of Ramadan is a time of opportunity to start conversations with Muslim friends and colleagues.
The Islamic month of Ramadan runs from 10 March to 8 April this year (2024). Ramadan is a great time to start conversations with Muslim friends and colleagues and to focus on praying for Muslims in our local community and across the UK. These next few weeks are full of opportunities!
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